What people are coming to the site for

What I think people are coming to this site for is to get more insight on the not just Jamaican creole language but creole languages as a whole. But since were on the topic of Jamaican creole language people want to find out more about the language to understand its history and why this language exists. Like Jamaican creole a majority of creole languages comes from colonization and slavery but what the website visit Jamaica says as quoted {“Jamaica’s official language is English, but we also speak Jamaican or Patois {or Patwa} – a colorful, descriptive and emphatic creole dialect that has been shaped by our African, Spanish, French, Portuguese, and English colonial heritage.  A beautiful symbol of our resilience, patois is the crafting of the expressions of a people, forced into a society with a different language, to express themselves in their own way, and to give meaning to it. Basically the language is a mixture of European and other languages that created on of the most known creole languages that is still spoken in moderation today. and what I think people are coming to this site for is they are coming to this site to find a connection with the language. and when i say that I am talking about the people who grew up on Jamaican or Guyanese creole {“From their Parents or grandparents”}. And dont really know where this language originated out of and how the language connects to their life. And people come to this site to not just get information on creole languages but they to give information on creole languages that they now. For instance soliciting pictures and videos or excerpts on the language. And writing what they no about the language regardless of their heritage or background. And people are mainly coming to the site to be informative on certain languages. They are coming to this site to share their opinions on the language and they are here to get a clearer picture of the language they are reading and analyzing about. And what I am alluding to when I say that is they don’t just websites, pictures and videos without giving a small synopsis on what that website, that picture or what that video is talking about. They analyze the website to get a idea on what the website is saying about the creole language then they post it and put a small caption in to tell anyone whose going to read it that this is what the website is talking about. for the pictures because a majority of picture don’t have a explanation if they are familiar with the language  or not but have a idea of what the picture is trying to convey they’ll post it but give a brief description on what the picture is conveying. and as for the video or musical a majority of the time music has lyrics that you can translate it so they post the song. This is what they do in a sense.

Link- https://www.visitjamaica.com/discover-jamaica/people-heritage/language/.

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